Oludeniz SIV Oct. 11-15th

5 Days of SIV training in Oludeniz turkey.

Day 1 – Gear check and intro flight. We’ll inspect everyones gear, pull out everyones reserves and go over the flying site, landing, etc. Afterwords, we’ll go up for an intro flight.

Days 2-5 – Two coached flights per day. Each flight will start with a briefing at the hotel then we’ll head up together. In the evening we’ll do a video debrief of both runs.

5 Days of SIV training in Oludeniz turkey.

Day 1 – Gear check and intro flight. We’ll inspect everyones gear, pull out and check reserves go over the flying site, the landing, etc. Afterwords, we’ll go up for an intro flight.

Days 2-5 – Two coached flights per day. Each flight will start with a briefing at the hotel then we’ll head up together. In the evening we’ll do a video debrief of both runs.

Required Gear:

  • Paraglider and Harness
  • Reserve Parachute – I highly recommend 2 reserves)
  • Helmet – duh
  • PFD (life jacket) – You can rent these in turkey for around $3 a day if you don’t own one.
  • Radio – Baofeng has $25 dollar radios on amazon that work and then its not a big deal if they go in the water.

Recommended Gear:

  • Puffy Jacket – Although Oludeniz is quite warm the mountain we launch off of is about 6,000 ft tall and occasionally chilly
  • Light Gloves – Paraglider lines can be sharp and you may have to pull on them so gloves help.
  • Low B Wing – Unless you’ve SIVed before a low b wing is going to allow you the most progression.
  • Open Harness – Learning maneuvers is a lot better in an open harness than a pod.

If you have any other questions on what to bring just ask.

The ability to launch and land without supervision.

Fill out the form

About You

First SIV?(Required)

Experience with manuervers

Please just be honest on these, it doesn't matter if you you haven't done any of them before.
Comfortability with spirals
Comfortability with wingovers
Comfortability with spins
Comfortability with stalls


Type of harness(Required)